
We want to thank all of our family and friends during these difficult times. Evidently if you don't pay up 'The Man' will shut down your website. Something about maintenance costs and server fees or whatever. I'd also like to thank the good people at Blogger who have partnered with us. We believe we have a lot to offer Blogger and this is going to be a win-win relationship. So you already know what to expect from us here at rPooP, sit back and wait to be bored off your ass!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Wednesday, July 11, 2007


By now everyone should know about the entertainment value of the internet. You might not know that shows are being produced specifically to air on web sites. Some of these shows are better than a lot of crap on tv and are made for almost nothing. check out a couple of my favorites.

Thumbs Up

Hands down the best travel show I have ever seen. Learn how to get a nights rest at a 24 hour Wal-mart or make day long meals out of peanut butter and sardines or sail down the Mississippi in an inflatable raft. Tons of Fun.

Derek and Simon

Very funny buddy comedy with help from Bob Odenkirk.

Clark and Michael

Very surreal comedy with the funniest guy alive today, Michael Cera from Arrested Development.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Government is going to give me a tax break of $15,000 dollars a year???

What kind of drugs is this guy on. Make sure our next president has a plan that makes sense....please!!!!